Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Day At The Fort Wayne Zoo

Good evening, everyone!
Lots of things this month are being checked off of the fun things to do list.
Everyone got up early on Friday morning. We all got ready and at around 8:00, we headed for the Fort Wayne Zoo. We were there by 9:00, and because it was so early, we didn't have to wait in line at all. :) It was still a little chilly, so we made sure to pack some jackets for ourselves.

  The sunrise that many of us woke up to.

We started on the African journey. It was fun seeing the different themes of each spot.

 Feeding the giraffes was Saphira's favorite thing we did.

 Dad, Benaiah and Saphira went on the "Sky Safari"

Next was the Indonesian Rainforest.
It was Josiah's favorite section.

 (photo above taken by Mom)

 We got a nice family picture, and it only took two tries to get a good one. ;)

 The soon-to-be birthday girl. <3

  The stingrays were Benaiah's favorite.

 I just can't get over how adorable these two are! <3

 Watching the Sea Lions. That was Mom's favorite part and one of my favorite parts. I could sit and watch the  all day! :)

That wonderful day at the zoo has passed, but I don't think any of us children will forget it.
We'll look back on that day and say, "Remember that time we had to earn beans to get into the Fort Wayne Zoo, and everyone earned enough beans to get in? That was a great day." And we'll probably have lots of laughter while discussing it. :) That's why I'm thankful that I can put these pictures on here. Then, someday I look at them again and think about what great memories we made on that day.

I also vlogged our day at the zoo here.

Alegra Hope

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